Magical Vacation

20 September 2011

Disney's AVATAR Announcement

Today it was announced that construction on the AVATAR Land project at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom park is slated to begin in 2013. The project is in it's beginning design stage, and a project of such dimension and scope takes about roughly five years to complete. DAK was chosen as the location for this land because the park "gives visitors the opportunity to experience the worlds of animals and nature - real and mythical - in whole new ways". AVATAR is one of the most extraordinary and mesmerizing mythical worlds ever conceived. The Animal Kingdom also celebrates adventure and living in harmony with nature, themes which are deeply rooted in the story of AVATAR.

If the estimate of 5 years from design to completion is accurate, the new AVATAR Land should be completed in the Fall of 2016. This would be wonderful for our family as we go to Disney World every two years - this would fit into our visits timeline...2012, 2014 and 2016!! The Cernadas Family is extremely excited and looking forward to this magical, mythical experience!

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