Magical Vacation

16 July 2017

Life Getting in the Way of Blogging...Who Knew?!

So my sincerest apologies to those who follow the blog...but I have been trying to get it together and find some rhythm after becoming a mom. After having my son six years ago I thought it wouldn't take too long to get back into a routine where I could blog regularly...and that didn't happen. Then I got my first tenure track teaching assignment and that definitely ate up any time I had. Fast-forward to 2015 and we welcomed our family's princess. Now that time I didn't have didn't have time either!

I think I finally found some rhythm after just throwing my hands up and declaring that we'll just live and learn. Parenting the crap out of life...I guess.  So the blog is evolving. Now it will be a Disney mum's personal insight on Disney World, the resorts, Disney Vacation Club, and vacation planning...along with this mama bear's stories about life. This should fun...and I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

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